XV TTMD International HVAC&R Technologies Symposium will be held between 20-23 September 2022 as on-line. The main theme is Future and HVAC Systems.
Covid-19 pandemic lead our way to think about the future of HVAC Systems. Covid-19 and HVAC System Solutions, Pandemic, Mitigation and Design needs to be covered in details so as to be able to provide the new normal conditions.
However we cannot forget the previous main objectives.
The foremost goal of our Symposium is to widen the perspective about the concepts and products regarding the architecture and mechanical installation that consider them vital parts of Future and HVAC Systems. This time the Symposium will carry its objectives, content, and scope far beyond academic concerns with its opinion that system design supported by field experience blended in accordance with building information modelling, data and simulation, digitalization, information technology (IT) and operation technology (OT), indoor environmental quality as the new design criteria, microclimate, building interactions and resiliency, energy efficient building, novel hvac system design approaches, renewable energy use is a necessity for the proliferation of rationalist systems.
In pursuing the transfer of this necessity to best solutions, invited speakers of the Symposium will surely hold an important place in the main implementation axis. However, the Symposium will also serve as a stage for those who would like to manifest their novel research findings as presenters. We are confident that the participants of this Symposium will collectively benefit from both invited speakers and presenters working in theory and practice covering the broad field of the Symposium and be able to discuss various topics.
With this ultimate goal, we would like to cordially invite you to participate in this important Symposium, organized by Turkish Society of HVAC & Sanitary Engineers (TTMD).
Abstract Submission Deadline
Abstract Acceptance Notification
Submission of Full Papers
Paper Acceptance Notification
Definitive Acceptance
Symposium Contact
Yıldız Mah. Eski Konak Sok.
No:12 K:5 Beşiktaş İstanbul
+90 212 258 48 48 (pbx)
+90 212 258 48 50
Symposium Organizer
Türk Tesisat Mühendisleri Derneği